Bible, in the book of Hebrews says
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.H1N1 says
If you're sick and come close in contact with one another, you are risking their health.As we all know Governments around the world are asking employers to be kind enough to let their sick employees to take sick leaves, some even asked for unrecorded sick leaves to prevent the virus from spreading to other employees. Schools are closed down to prevent further outbreak, some major events are cancelled, etc.
But what about the church? Should we ask our members to rest at home and avoid church gatherings? Or should we say, we shouldn't stop gathering as that's what it was told in the book of Hebrews.
Is this a trial or temptation? Should I or shouldn't I? <-- materials from a couple of weeks ago. :P
If you go, you risk spreading the disease to others, which is often noted as selfish and inconsiderate.
If you don't go, are you contradicting the Word of God and use your own principle as a ruler? In those days, people risked their head to go to meet each other. Today, it's just a flu and we are finding excuses to skip meeting one another?
If you are saying on either way, where do you find the authority to decide or discern which is the right thing to do? Are we assuming so and so because "we think, I think, etc"?
Let's hear it from you...