ORMOND BEACH - Federal officials are investigating what an Ormond Beach couple found in a can of Diet Pepsi last week: the remains of a possible rodent.
The Food and Drug Administration is testing the can, which Fred Denegri popped open on July 23 and drank, only later to discover what was inside.
"It was unreal," said his wife Amy Denegri, who became suspicious of the can when she couldn't shake out the thing inside.
"It's big enough that it wouldn't come out."
The Diet Pepsi can was one of the last to be consumed from three dozen cans that the Denegris bought at the Sam's Club in Daytona Beach.
Pepsi officials said Wednesday that they traced the can back to the manufacturing plant in Orlando and didn't find anything amiss with the company's quality controls and soda sampling. "It is virtually impossible for this type of thing to happen in a production environment," said Pepsi spokesman Jeff Dahncke, "We run about 1,250 cans per minute on these production lines. Their speed, along with the rigorous quality control systems we have in place throughout our manufacturing process, give us great confidence in the quality and safety of our products."
Fred Denegri has long been a Pepsi fan and is something of a "addict" to Diet Pepsi, said his wife Amy.
The 55-year-old man had pulled out the can of soda to enjoy with his dinner at the couple's outdoor tiki bar.
He took the first sip and had an awful reaction to it, she said.
"I can't describe his face but if you think about what he just drank, you can imagine," she said. "He said, 'This doesn't taste right. I don't know. It's disgusting.' "
They poured out the soda and a "pink slimy thing" was the first piece to come out of the can. They peered inside and saw what they believe was a mouse, or what was left of it.
They called poison control, but Fred Denegri didn't become sick. An FDA official retrieved the can for further testing.
"We take all complaints seriously and are moving quickly to investigate it," said FDA spokeswoman Susan M. Cruzan.
In the meantime, the Denegris are surprised by their sudden notoriety. "We felt it needed to be out there, that the public should know," she said.
And Fred Denegri is still drinking Diet Pepsi. "We buy the bottles now, though. And he pours it into a glass," she said.
It seems inevitable. To continue staying where I am now seems to be more likely than ever.
The rent i'm paying now is nearly $1600pcm. If I downgrade, i need a minimum 2 bedder. In any good location, i would need to pay about 1100-1500pcm.
The savings are not as much or worth the effort of moving, not to mention all other costs involved. All the connection fees, redirections costs, removalists, etc.
Some areas we looked at were in the West so public transport is poor and security is bad. I wouldn't dare to let my wife use trains especially in the evenings and nights. That'll be a big problem too as she doesn't have a drivers license yet.
So, it seems we have to squeze ourselves a bit to save the difference. Meaning less dining outside, electricity & water usage to be cut down by at least 30% and less badminton for me!
Let's see if we can save an extra $400pcm.
Bad news is we're going back soon so money will be spent. Hopefully the AUD will keep the momentum going upwards. Then I can save some from the exchange rates!
Maybe I need to hope for money coming out from the skies!
Deputy Prime Minister Tan SriMuhyiddinYassin today said that the Government is planning to include pre-school as part of the national education system. Also, English will be an important part of it. He claimed to be impressed with some students who can grasp basic English after one year in preschool. <--Duhh~~ Those with Philipino maids at home also can speak basic English lah!
Now, preschool is normally for 5 years old or younger. If this has become compulsory in the future, all kids will add another extra few years of studying! It depends on which defintion of preschool they're referring to? Child care education or kindergarden.
Most of my friends only ever started to learn English around Primary 3 or so in my days. I was lucky to start around Primary 1 because I went to a national school, not those Chinese or private school. However, I was unlucky to never learn Mandarin! Even so, we already find the schooling years are too long! I nearly gave up around Form 4. Luckily, I managed to finish a year of Foundation studies and 4 years of Uni. No thanks to Master or PhD, I'll give it a pass!
Personally, I'd prefer the preschool system not to be compulsory but rather a voluntary system. Going to preschool also means more expenses for the parents, though some would argue it as an investment of the future. However, with young parents struggling to make ends meet, making something compulsory without further study of the implication can be a disaster.
Financial problem will affect relationships problem, which will affect socio problems, etc etc.
After all, they're still young! Let them enjoy life! Give them a break! Don't turn them into "stupid" kids! <-- Or maybe that's their plan after all? Turn all kids into future BN slaves? *Grin*
Maybe another flip flop in the future? Wouldn't be surprised!
In about a month's time, I'll be climbing the 4th highest mountain in Southeast Asia, Mount Kinabalu. It has been more than 10-15 years since I last step my foot on Sabah, I can't even remember anything except Pulau Manukan by name!
Anyway, I aim to take down one of M'sia toughest challenge this time. Failure is not an option! Just hope the weather will permit me to get to the top! To be the King of the world (dreaming~)!
Last Saturday was a good opportunity to play around with my SLR camera as I haven't been diligent enough to practise my skills lately. Though the nature of the shots are a lot different (actions/candid vs landscape/macro), hopefully I can take a few good shots! Quite disappointed with my shots on Saturday though. Nothing nice! LOL! Need to learn to have an eye for good shots!
My poor wife claims to be the Innocent victim to my lust for adventurous challenge! However, she has only "practised" once up to now. Running/walking 20 minutes on the treadmill! I'll keep you guys posted on how she's doing when we get up there! HAHA!
Diana encouraged her last night by telling her that she cried all the way up and down the mountain! LOL! Oh yeah, and could hardly walk a few days after that!
As for myself, didn't train for this as well. Just busy training for badminton games as I don't want to pummelled again in the weekly competitions! Won 2 matches last week, yay~! This week I'm facing probably the strongest opponents, looking at a 0-4 results. :(
Want to get even more bang for your travelling buck?
From Sunday 26 July until midnight Saturday 8 August 2009, you'll receive a 5 per cent discount when you buy Value Metcards online.
Value Metcards are tickets which contain multiple rides at a bulk-purchase price. They include 10 x City Saver, 10 x 2 hour, 5 x Daily, 5 x Seniors Daily, Weekly, 5 x Weekend Daily and Monthly Metcards.
Today marks the 6th rounds I've done walking and praying for RMIT students in the city. It all started after Bishop's sermon about more than a month ago. I must say, it's not easy to continue doing what I'm currently doing especially if you don't have others to do it together with you. You always feel discouraged or being tempted to just give up.
However, as I do my rounds today, I saw our brothers from the RMIT Christian Unions sitting behind their setup desks promoting their club. There were 4 of them there but nobody approaches them or anything. Most people treated them as invincible, or should I say transparent as a better description?
It reminds me of the days when RMIT CCCF was still active! However, at least the Chinese students are always happy to see us and wondering what are we doing there! Perhaps they long to see something of their background!
Anyway, my heart just drowned when I see such a picture. The world today rejects the truth or doesn't want anything to do with the truth. It saddens me to see such things happening. As I look around the faces fo the students in the campus, I see smiles and laughter but are they truly joyful inside? What happens when the people besides them are gone? What happens after the curtain closes? What happens when the lights are turned off?
I felt the Holy Spirit is raising my conscience and sensitivity. It triggers me to do more and more for the students and people in the City of Melbourne. I hereby call all of you to step up your game! Let's not be the spectator or "kay lei fay", be the role players that God want you to be!
Let's do it together. It's a lot easier than doing it by yourselves. Come talk to me to see what can we do for the City of Melbourne!
Matthew9: 37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Let us at least be the "few"! Let the Holy Spirit sets our hearts on fire!
Source: Malaysia Today The writing was already on the wall so long ago
Posted by admin
Thursday, 16 July 2009 23:49
This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.
When the Anti-Corruption Agency, now called the MACC, kidnapped the family of a police inspector, Malaysia Today raised the alarm. They had kidnapped the wife and child of a police inspector who had investigated a Chinese underworld boss on the instructions of a higher-up with the rank of ASP.
The inspector was just doing what his boss had ordered him to do, and that was to open a file and launch an investigation into the activities of the Chinese prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling syndicate. And this resulted in the detention of three syndicate bosses.
What the MACC wanted the police inspector to do was quite simple. They wanted him to change his report so that the three underworld bosses can be freed from detention. And he would have to do that if he wants to secure the release of his family.
The police inspector refused to do that. Instead, he made a police report. And so did his wife. But nothing was done about the matter. The MACC officers were not arrested and dragged to court on kidnapping charges.
The MACC then leaked information to the media that they are investigating a very senior police officer, the Director of the CCD, for the crime of not declaring RM27 million worth of assets. The fact that MACC investigations come under the Official Secrets Act was not a hindrance. After all, the OSA is only used against opposition supporters and not against those who serve those who walk in the corridors of power.
Nevertheless, the Director of the CCD was finally not charged for not declaring RM27 million in assets. He was charged for using police property for his personal reasons, something that all government officers, ministers and politicians do blatantly every day of the week. But his real crime is that he detained several Chinese underworld bosses who control the prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling business all over Malaysia.
Then they arrested the lawyer who acted for the CCD Director. The MACC officers came to his office on the eve of Hari Raya and handcuffed him after roughing him up like one would do to an armed bank robber. To ensure that the lawyer suffered the greatest embarrassment this Hollywood-style arrest was done in full view of the entire office.
Malaysia Today wrote about all this. Malaysia Today not only wrote about all this but Malaysia Today repeated the stories again and again to make sure no one would say they somehow missed the story. But still nothing was done. No one denied the story. More importantly, no one did anything about what Malaysia Today revealed.
The MACC has been a tool of those who walk in the corridors of power for a long, long time. Officially, Barisan Nasional has 14 component members with Umno as the lead partner. Unofficially, Barisan Nasional has seventeen component members. The Election Commission is the fifteenth component member of Barisan Nasional, the Malaysian police the sixteenth, and the MACC the seventeenth. They all serve the interests of Umno and the Prime Minister.
The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.
“Where is the smoking gun?” they ask. “Show me the body!” they demand. No gun, no body, then no crime has been committed.
Well, today, there is a body. It is the body of a most unfortunate Chinese opposition member who was arrested and tortured by the MACC officers. Yes, he was tortured. And he was tortured because the MACC wanted him to talk.
But he could not talk. He could not talk because there was nothing to talk about. The MACC wanted him to finger his comrades in the opposition. They wanted him to implicate his friends in the opposition for various crimes that the MACC alleges had been committed by those in the opposition.
He tried to explain that he is not being stubborn. He tried to explain that no crime had been committed. He tried to explain that he could not possibly implicate his comrades in the opposition for various crimes if these crimes are merely a figment of the MACC’s imagination.
So they continued to torture him. And he could no longer stand the torture. After all, he is not the macho type of man. He is but a gentle man who only wanted to get married this weekend. That was all that he wanted.
They threatened to kill him if he refuses to talk. With tears running down his cheeks he begged for mercy and pleaded with them not to harm him. They threatened to throw him off the top floor if he refuses to talk. Sobbing like a baby he went down on his knees and begged for his life.
They dragged him across the room and opened the window. Then something went terribly wrong. It was supposed to be just a threat. They just wanted to put fear in him. They did not really want to throw him off the top floor. They just wanted him to see what the ground floor looks like from the top floor.
The unfortunate young man panicked. He went ballistic when he saw the distance he would have to travel before hitting the ground floor. He struggled. They could not hold onto him. Gravity took over and the life of this young man was prematurely snuffed out.
The MACC then announced that they had released him the night before. They failed to announce that they had not released him from custody but released him from this world. Then they suddenly found his body the day after. He jumped. He committed suicide. He took his own life. He was never tortured. He was not dragged to the window with the threat that they would teach him how to fly.
This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.
And now one young man has really died. But no one will be punished. No one will be punished because they will say the young man took his own life. Why he took his own life no one knows. He was never tortured. He was never threatened with death. He was not made to look how far down the ground floor is. He was not accidentally dropped when he panicked and struggled and they could not get a good grip on him.
That is what they will be telling you and me later today.
Headlines in Malaysia now is no longer the recession of the world economy but rather a death of a secretary of a politician in the hands of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC). Teoh Beng Hock whom was supposed to get married today was found dead around 1pm after interrogation by the MACC.
Of course the stupid BN Govt, police and MACC is trying to shut down the media and public from know what has actually happened. They're trying to say no foul play lah, he might have fall off himself lah, suicide lah, etc.
Are you sure MACC is not hiding any information? A organisation that's supposed to clean out corruption couldn't even come clean themselves!
Sources said MACC officials remained tight-lipped, saying they were under instructions not to say anything.
If really clean, then why are they under instructions not to say anything?
Let's also look at how the MACC interrogate people:
A Kajang municipal councillor who was also interrogated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) alleged commission investigators hurled racist remarks at him during questioning at the state MACC headquarters here.
"They called me a stupid Chinese... Are you from China? You can't speak Malay?” said Tan Boon Wah.
“I was shouted at: 'This is my place, you better believe that I can hit you',” said Tan.
“I was then asked to stand and look straight. I was not allowed to rest my head. I was made to stand for four hours,” he added.
Tan said the MACC officials also threatened to arrest his wife and detain his children .
He denied that detainees were provided with beds to sleep on after interrogation.
He said that while under detention, he met Teoh Beng Hock early yesterday morning at the MACC office pantry and he looked tired.
Tan added that he was also told by an MACC investigator not to talk about the interrogation, before he was released yesterday afternoon.
“The MACC officer said don't bring the matter outside, but one life has ended, so now I have to,” said Tan. Source
Does that sounds like guantanamo bay of Malaysia??
Do we really think our ever "efficient" police (PDRM) can do their work? My ass! They only know how to be a bully and a thug!
Here they're shouting "polis ganas" meaning "brutal cops"!
In the end, I think no one will be charged or the "true" culprit will not be caught due to cover ups and getting a scapegoat to bear the sin. Another reason is, the person who died is a member of Opposition party and a Chinese!
Also, another article regarding this: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: The Malaysian Insider
JULY 17 — Teoh Beng Hock mysteriously “jumped” to his death, leaving behind a million question marks on the MACC.
Interrogating Ean Yong Hian Wah (and detaining his assistant Teoh Beng Hock), searching Lau Weng San, investigating Teresa Kok, Elizabeth Wong, Hannah Yeoh, Cheah Wing Yin and Edward Lee Poh Lin.
Of course, the MACC has this power. But the question is: Is the power exercised appropriately?
Given the "coincidence" that all the targets of investigation are Pakatan state assemblymen — and Chinese — I'm sorry but have to say something: These are the elected representatives least likely to be corrupt in the eyes of the voters!
People who have even the slightest knowledge of these people should know that they are the thriftiest and hardworking people around.
For example, Elizabeth Wong does not have huge assets to her name, only mortgage and credit card debts.
Or perhaps the MACC would say the investigations are carried out based on the information it has obtained, nothing to do with a person's political affiliation or background.
But, the MACC must explain why so much more information, including what has already come to public knowledge and triggered tonnes of controversies, has not sent the MACC into action.
For instance, has the MACC done anything on "Istana Khir Toyo"? Has it carried out any investigation, search or interrogation?
Or perhaps big cases should be handled slowly, until they have vanished from the people's memories?
The investigation of cases should be carried out in accordance with their severity or priority. I don't see any priority in dealing with these few Pakatan reps.
Of course, no one can prove that the MACC's moves are politically motivated. That said, what they have done has brought up many guesses among the public, as well as uneasiness among opposition politicians.
This reminds me of McCarthyism in the United States during the 1950s. The reckless actions of a power engine generated a political scare and widespread social panic.
There was this extreme rightist Republican politician named Joseph McCarthy back in those days. He banked on the anti-communist sentiment during the Cold War to openly declare that the United States government had been infiltrated by several hundred communist spies, and that America was sinking into a state of great danger.
His declaration shocked Washington and American society.
With the support of rightist House representatives, he headed the "Un-American House Committee" and probed, accused, framed and persecuted leftists, from politicians, diplomats, scholars to artistes, all in the name of national security.
His black list included people like George Marshall, physicist Robert Oppenheimer and actor Charlie Chaplin. Some were thrown into the jails while others took their own lives.
During McCarthy's time, the United States was plunged into a dark age of unrighteousness, until American society could tolerate such acts of terror no more and rose up against him.
The US government and Congress joined hands in impeaching McCarthy, and restored the freedom and esteem of the country.
This historical event warns us that government organs should not abuse the power entrusted to them to kill political freedom and violate human rights in the name of national security.
Controversies have popped up ever since the inauguration of the MACC. Its reputation is in tatters.
And now, it needs to explain to the nation how Teoh Beng Hock died! — mysinchew
The building I managed has just won 2 awards in the prestigous Victorian Architecture Awards 2009!
The Canada Hotel Redevelopment by Hayball is a double winner, honoured with the Best Overend Award for residential architecture (multiple housing) and the esteemed Melbourne Prize.
This student accommodation project on Swanston Street impressed the jury by “skilfully integrating the existing fabric as the new 13-storey tower hovers over the original hotel building”. Those who regurgitate criticism of high density housing are advised by the jury to visit this solution which “greatly enriches its urban precinct”.
It's all good news for the developer, architect, owners and students living in there.
For your information, the vacancy rate for this building is nil. There'll be no vacancy until 2010! However, you can apply to be in the waiting lists in case we do have some lease breaks.
Again, the flip flop government of Malaysia is mucking around. This time the education sector is the victim.
A few years ago, the govt decided that science n other importance subject were to be taught in English. Of course with the lack of quality English teachers (as my mum always said), it's not beyond any doubts that the students, especially from rural areas will be hugely disadvantaged by it.
Of course during that time, the Govt is too happy that they have move a large step forward in country developments that they have no time to worry about its implementations. This resulted in a deadlock.
No good English teachers, can't produce good students who can master English, meaning even less good English teacher in the future.
A lot of parents I assumed of Chinese and Indians background are crying foul by the decision of the education minister. I believe those who can afford will be sending their children to nearby countries or more English tuition.
As for me, I'd prefer most of the subjects to be taught in English. Having said that, lots of investment would need to be put into this.
Getting good quality English teachers, exchange programs, have those English speaking tourist to come for a few months to stay and teach english, etc. A lot of developing countries are doing the same thing. They know the risks of being incompetent in English.
What I think happened now in M'sia is politicians playing politics. The Malays are divided into 2 big groups now: pro UMNO and pro PR.
So the decision made so quickly without adequate consultation is most likely aimed in winning support from the Malays for the next by-election in a few days time.
The Govt is trying to promote the Malay language, well at least that's what they claimed. However, how many countries other than M'sia, Brunei and Singapore knows Malay? It's a language heading into extinction. Most people would rather learn Indonesian as the population that can speak Indonesian easily outnumbered Malay speaking people. Even Malays overseas don't even speak Malay!
All in all, Malaysia is going backwards again for the sake of short sighted goals. Flip flopping around like a bunch of clowns.
Nice words to describe the start of the second season for the badminton competition. Totally crushed tonight. The score was 9-3. I lost all my 4 matches though came close in winning one of them.
Last season, we also started off with only 3 points. With 7 teams this time, we need to work a lot harder to get into the Semis!
Our captain must be quite upset too! He He!
Oh well, gotta work harder to train and prepare for another 10 weeks ahead!!
Previously I mentioned about H1N1 and the bible, it seems that our church is also in the swine effects mood! About 2 weeks ago, the Chinese congregations was about 55 people or so. Last week, it only has 44! Only English service has been consistently float around this figure ever since they started but have now reduced to 30-35 lately.
I must say, this is a number we have not seen since mid-2002 except for summer time. Unemployment in the US is about 27 years high, ours is about 5 years high for unchurched members while our church history is just less than 9 years old.
Could this be related to swine flu?
Not quite! Most of our members are in Sydney visting Jay Chou, Malaysia spending time with families, and some on holidays interstate. However, if we really count the heads, do we really have half (50%) of the people away?
Maybe 25% but 50% is a bit hard to believe.
Could the panic button be hit or will we just have more excuses to ourselves? Personally, I'd have reviewed when we're floating around 80 mark and seriously reviewing when we hit 70. Nearing 50 would be damage control.
Oh well, I might be thinking too much. It could just be a false alarm. After all, I think we managed to hit over 50 today? :D
Road to recovery is too hard to be accomplish by one person, we need a team. At the moment, we're not a team yet.
We're still in the midst of swine effects, not swine flu effects.