Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Heavy Legs Rules?

Gone are the days where we used to think places like Camberwell, Box Hill, etc is a far away suburbs. Few years ago, most people would be complaining about how far it is to go to those suburbs and everyone is reluctant to go.

Today, the people that attended prayer meeting regularly are from Box Hill, Altona Meadows, and a couple from CBD and North Melbourne. Basically, 2 BH, 2 AM, 1/2 CBD, 1 NM.

The funny thing is, when we thought distance is a serious factor affecting numbers, today the longer the distance, the more constant the attendance????

The nearer the distance, the lack of commitments??

Where's the logic today??

Gone are the days where prayer meeting is having 30+ people.

Maybe organisers should evaluate sooner than later?

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