Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kingdom of YHWH

Sometimes we don't know whether we should be happy or unhappy that some groups are just so into Jesus or YHWH (aka Yahweh, Jehovah). Lately, a sect called "Kingdom of Yahweh" has made headlines in the Melbourne Northern suburbs.
A CULT calling itself the Kingdom of Yahweh is defying state laws, driving illegally, faking number plates and allegedly planning to obtain firearms. It's been reported they refuse to provide police with names and addresses and have sent affidavits to authorities saying they do not have to pay for driver's licences or registration fees.

There have also been suggestions that some of the group's fake number plates are booby-trapped, with a police officer injured while trying to remove one of them recently. They claim they have their own laws and this is the way they're going to live. More
Obviously these dudes are twisting what I called the "common & standard" understanding of Christianity faith. I don't think they are huge fans of Jesus either because what they claimed are contradicting with the Bible and Jesus' words.

For example, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" and "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right."

It's amazing they still have followers behind them as well even with such false teachings. The true and sound teachings are no longer of interests to many. Partly because those who follow the true teachings do not act like a follower of one. The standard and teachings are too often compromised to win the heart of people rather than God.

So, since the "true" and "false" teachings are irrelevant and no longer for God, they rather choose something that gives them advantages compared with others. The "true" gospel doesn't seems to deliver each time (maybe like Poslaju :P), while the "false" ones delivers like DHL! Why wouldn't you go for better & more reliable service? It's the survival of the winners these days.

Let us who claimed to be mainstream Christianity people don't just put the blame on them or labeled them as anti-Christ or evil sects but look inside ourselves first. Are we not to blame for their existence as well? As in the bible, "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? If we have done our parts well, surely, there'll be less people who are interested in those false teachings. Not saying there'll not be anymore cults but a lot less than today.

God's words are perfect, but the doer of God's words are pathetic which strays them away. From Bishops to theological students, lay leaders to congregational members, if we don't re-examine ourselves, we're not much different to them.

Be courageous to face our failures & mistakes, be bold to initiate change.

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