Discernment, a value that'll differentiate between a good leader and a great leader. Some say discernment is from experience, some say it's a gift of God, and some say it's purely judgemental preference.
For me, it's about the gut feeling in us, more often than not, triggered by our close relationship with God and guided by our experiences to know which is the right and best path to choose from. Any imbalance between the 3 would affect the effectiveness of the discernments.
How many times have we shut down our gut feeling because we don't believe in it or we are too afraid to face it? How many times have we shut our gut feeling because we do not know the origin of it? Is it from God or from the evil one or from within me?
Sometimes I really don't understand it. God gave us each a brain to be able to make decisions or process the information we perceived. However, we often do not use it properly rather, we always wanted to wait for the divine revelations directly from God Himself.
Someone once said we shouldn't be reading too much books as those books will increase our experience and knowledge, hence creating further distance between God and us because we don't seems to need God as much! I don't know about you but for me, the more I read and know, the more I feel like I cannnot or must not be seperated from God! The knowledge is not a stumbbling block to me but rather I can see a clearer pathway in understanding God's purpose in my life!
God's people must not be afraid to discern what's right and wrong, what's good and what's bad. In the bible, it talks about the Spirit of Discernment where it encourages us to discern the good and bad.
Yeah yeah, someone will try to counter my statement by saying "didn't the bible say we shouldn't judge anyone lest we be judged on the same merit?". That's right and I have no problem with that. The thing with discernment is, we are not judging to condemm but rather we're to evaluate between good & bad and choose the right one.
Many leaders today lacks discernment which is why the lack of quality leaders with vision and leadership skills. So we have a lot of passive leaders who follows instead of leading. Even though some leads, they do not know where they're heading to.
Maybe they're trying to be politically correct or they're just not being properly educated or trained. Let's all be sensitive to God's words and learn to discern.
Wisdom is the key.
Quick stopover & meal in Brunei
12 hours ago
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