Sunday, December 14, 2008

Generation Z: On The Move

The current generation is called Generation Z (a.k.a Generation C). They seems to be better than the Gen-Ys according to some sources but it's too early to confirm.

Generation Z (2000-Present)[1] is the generation of people living in Western or First World cultures that follows Generation Y. According to Phil Ruthven of IBISWorld, who provides market research analysis, Generation Z,(typically the offspring of Generation X) are currently in grade school or younger. While Generation Z, or as Strauss and Howe defined them the, New Silent Generation, has yet to be defined the generation begins sometime after 2000. [2]

A number of different traits have been ascribed to the generation. It is claimed that members of Generation Z are very active consumers, with a high degree of influence over their parents' purchasing decisions,[3][4][5] They are highly connected, having had lifelong use of communications and media technologies such as DVDs, the World Wide Web, instant messaging, text messaging, iPods and cellular phones, earning them the nickname "digital natives".[6][7][8]

They have grown up in a world with widespread equality of the sexes at work and at home, and where single-parent or same-sex parent families are commonplace, as are two-income families.[9][10][8]. Their lives are full of structured activities, and a number of social researchers anticipate members of Generation Z will have a strong social conscience and work ethic – though researcher Hugh Mackay disagrees, saying that Generation Z is more indulged and anti-social than Generation Y. More.[8]

Found this on the Herald Sun:

THEY'RE responsible, care about climate change and have been raised by guilt-free working mothers in frugal households.

Meet the young teens of Generation Z. They will know tough economic times and will show greater job loyalty, and will be dubbed "the new conservatives".

Demographers have found that Gen Z tweens are far more dependable than their 20-something Gen Y predecessors who were indulged by baby boomer parents and have known nothing but economic prosperity.

Gen Zs were born from 1995 onwards, but the change is being seen among tail-end Gen Y-ers, who are in their mid-to-late years of high school.

They are street smart and tech-savvy and save cash given to them for Christmas or birthdays - and, while they'll go out and drink till they're sick, they're less likely to engage in risk or violence.

It's not unusual for these teens to chide parents for placing rubbish in the wrong colour bin.

Demographer Mark McCrindle says baby boomer parents of Gen Y children are carefree in their parenting style, while Gen X-ers were more disciplined - reflected in their responsible Gen Z children. More

Will be exciting to see how the Gen-Z will turn out to be. For good or for worse, time will tell.

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