Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Update

I know a lot of people have been wondering where have I been for the past week, no posts, hardly on MSN, just basically nothing. Well, I've been extremely busy and tired most nights. After I get back from work, I just have dinner then sleep (sometimes forgot dinner!).

Micasa8 just launched last week and I had to be there for inspections almost daily from 4pm to 6pm on average. The response for the building is very good, in fact beyond our expectations! At the moment, I would say the building is near 2/3 full! Considering that open for inspections just started last week, to be accurate 7 days only, we had more than 130 applications already! The numbers just increases by the hour! I don't dare to imagine how will my email inbox looks like after the Christmas break! On daily average now, I get about 80+ which is considered Ok, not too many.

Anyway, I know some people who did search for Micasa8 on google will get to my blog. If you're thinking of applying, please fill in your application in FULL! Attach all relevant documents (student card, bank statement and copy of your passport)! Get parental guarantee (yes, it doesn't matter if you're 30+ or 50+ years old! It can be guardian or spouse or next of kin). Most importantly, don't annoy me!! I'll process your application ASAP, in fact, the average processing time for a complete application is less than 30 minutes on average! ;) Just checked with those who submitted how long before they get a pre-approval from me. If you annoyed me, you'll be waiting, waiting & waiting! Show me that you're a responsible person before you tell me you're going to be a responsible tenant!

Talk about waiting, I'm still waiting for my full set of stationary? Hopefully I get it in the first week of Jan! Oh well, at least she got me nice hot chocolate powder & full cream Pura Milk for now! :D
Ok, enough about work.

Haven't been involved in church much. Mainly no time. Didn't join the Christmas Carols as well, not sure how it went? Didn't hear any news about it. This Christmas I'll be going to Crossway Church in Burwood East. Hope to see something different there.

For the weekly gatherings, not sure if i'll join.......the person leading seems :S...ermm....anyway, maybe I'll use "tired" as an excuse not to go! Waiting for the fresh start! Time come to me, quick!!

Just need to work half day tomorrow and will be off until 5th Jan! Hopefully can make full use of the holiday :)

Keep you guys updated!

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